How domesticated am I!???

Eh, no – I didn’t do any “housework” really, but I did make a carrot cake that turned out rather delicious, I finished one warp, finished beading another scarf and started another… this one has to be called “The big blue” there are no other words for it!                Continue reading “How domesticated am I!???”

Friday Weaving

My cold and chest infection are abating and I’ve actually had time to do some weaving. Not much, but a few hours is better than nothing, so I won’t complain. I’m hoping to get 2 scarves (skinny, bright autumn / winter scarves) out of this warp. And to make sure the colour and texture variation ofContinue reading “Friday Weaving”

at last I uploaded – Spring & Summer fruits!

at least that’s what the colours read like! Raspberry, cherry blossom, honeysuckle, hot pink, fuscia, fuzzy peach… either that or a list of cocktail names! They’re now on Etsy and the next warp (in slightly darker shades of pink) is on the loom.  As we’re potty training this weekend, I have my doubts about howContinue reading “at last I uploaded – Spring & Summer fruits!”

WHAT date is it?!

I’ve no idea when I last posted – I’m sure I posted a few things…”in my imagination”… Never mind. I’ve not stopped running, worrying and weaving since I last posted. I’d wish there was less of the worrying, but then I’d probably be dead, so maybe not – so I’ll not complain too much aboutContinue reading “WHAT date is it?!”

Life in Colour – there is no other way

As I work away with wool and black and white, I can feel a revolt coming on – it’s like working with linen and thinking that mohair is a good idea  – (actually, no – it’s  not like that, for that is insanity). I love weaving, and I love colour, the two are irrevocably tiedContinue reading “Life in Colour – there is no other way”

More Wool, a bit of Linen, Dobby heads and Curry

Superquick update: I’ve been weaving with wool; Neki needs some linen (and I’ve got shed loads of the stuff); Neki says she just “found” a random dobby head in her studio; (1. how big does your studio have to be to just have a dobby head lying around and 2. Rub it in why don’tContinue reading “More Wool, a bit of Linen, Dobby heads and Curry”

Industrial Revolution, Spinning Jenny…and Why fairies need scarves

So, after a lot of family drama, we eventually made it over to England to visit Hannah’s great-granny Violet,  meet up university friends whom we’ve  not seen in almost 15 years, and then up to the north, to see Matt’s parents. “Too much (non-relevant) information” for a weaving blog? Well it turned out to be more ofContinue reading “Industrial Revolution, Spinning Jenny…and Why fairies need scarves”

Revolution or Evolution – but definately not involving Handwoven

Well, something that dragged me away from feeding Hannah or singing the annoying repeat of her Fisherprice train – the latest edition of Handwoven magazine – Warning – this is a long rant! This arrived a few days ago – if anyone from the US reads this, they’ll be thinking that’s a bit strange, IContinue reading “Revolution or Evolution – but definately not involving Handwoven”