The secret to younger looking skin…funny the big beauty brands never tried this one

First, drink some chocolate milk, but make sure that as much as possible get’s all over your face, your upper lip and chin especially. Then you rub some snot from your nose all over your face and let it dry in – it should leave a kind of slug-like trail across your cheek, and mayContinue reading “The secret to younger looking skin…funny the big beauty brands never tried this one”

Weaving magic and cooking up a storm…and Hallowe’en too

So we’re at the end of my 4 day weekend and although I didn’t get as much weaving done asĀ  I would have liked, I did get some done. I also spent 2 hours a day in the park, about an hour and a half a day walking around the city (listening to all kindsContinue reading “Weaving magic and cooking up a storm…and Hallowe’en too”