How domesticated am I!???

Eh, no – I didn’t do any “housework” really, but I did make a carrot cake that turned out rather delicious, I finished one warp, finished beading another scarf and started another… this one has to be called “The big blue” there are no other words for it!                Continue reading “How domesticated am I!???”

Potty Training, head colds and warping

It’s been one of those weekends and it’s not over yet: We started potty training yesterday – after 4 pairs of knickers in less than an hour I was dispairing of the whole thing, and started thinking that Carrefour nappies weren’t so expensive, and we could pay for them until she was about 8 withoutContinue reading “Potty Training, head colds and warping”

at last I uploaded – Spring & Summer fruits!

at least that’s what the colours read like! Raspberry, cherry blossom, honeysuckle, hot pink, fuscia, fuzzy peach… either that or a list of cocktail names! They’re now on Etsy and the next warp (in slightly darker shades of pink) is on the loom.  As we’re potty training this weekend, I have my doubts about howContinue reading “at last I uploaded – Spring & Summer fruits!”

What have I been doing ? – no idea

Life seems to pass in  a whirl these days – without any Walnut on top (for those of you who know UK chocolates, you know what I mean). It’s just been busy, family visiting (still here), work, finding schools, taking Hannah to the park – and then when there is that precious hour after dinnerContinue reading “What have I been doing ? – no idea”

Extreme Weaving – Not for arachnophobics

I had to put this post in, as to me it is a beautiful little story – not to mention expensive, (and some might say creepy). So, as we approach Hallowe’en, here we have a lovely story of silken spiders and weaving. A wee bit on the expensive side for anyone thinking of getting someContinue reading “Extreme Weaving – Not for arachnophobics”

Industrial Revolution, Spinning Jenny…and Why fairies need scarves

So, after a lot of family drama, we eventually made it over to England to visit Hannah’s great-granny Violet,  meet up university friends whom we’ve  not seen in almost 15 years, and then up to the north, to see Matt’s parents. “Too much (non-relevant) information” for a weaving blog? Well it turned out to be more ofContinue reading “Industrial Revolution, Spinning Jenny…and Why fairies need scarves”

Silky silky…and the baby-buggy flipflop

When we were home a few weeks ago, my sister gave me some raw silk which she’d picked up in a wool shop in Cavan, where she lives. It’s beautiful, and I’ve been trying to work out what to do with it that will do it justice, but there’s an irony here; The silk wasContinue reading “Silky silky…and the baby-buggy flipflop”

The latest Project (and the best excuse for not doing the ironing)

It’s not that I get around to doing the ironing more than once every 2 months anyway, but I’ve currently got the “Leaning Tower of Ironing” hiding in the wardrobe and after receiving a small commission on Friday evening, it’s probably going to need to be rewashed before it gets anywhere close to an iron.Continue reading “The latest Project (and the best excuse for not doing the ironing)”